Saturday, September 6, 2008

How much do I know about chapter one?

What is Management?
I Answered: The organization , command and control of a business.
Answer: It is the process of working with and thought others to achieve organizational objectives in a changing environment.

What is effectiveness?
I Answered: When something works.
Answer: Entails promptly achieving a stated objective.

What is efficiency?
I Answered: How stable a business is.
Answer: Enter the pictures when the resources required to achieve an objective are weighed against what was actually accomplished.

What is offshoring?
I Answered: Controlling business over seas.
Answer: The outsourcing of jobs from the developed countries to lower wage countries.

What is the internet?
I Answered: The world wide web.
Answer: The worldwide network of personal computers, routers and switches, powerful servers, and organizational computer systems.

What is e-business?
I Answered: Business over the internet.
Answer: One seeking efficiencies via the internet in all basic business functions, productions, marketing,and finance/accounting-- and all support activities involving human, material, and financial resources.

What are managerial functions? List the ones you know.
I Answered: Functions of managers.
Answer: General administrative duties that need to be carried out in virtually all productive organizations to achieve desired outcomes.

What are managerial skills?
I Answered: Leadership.
Answer: Specific observable behaviors that effective managers exhibit.

What is a small business?
I Answered: A business with a certain staff.
Answer: An independently owned and managed profit seeking enterprise with fewer than 100 employees.

What is entrepreneurship?
I Answered: A risk taker.
Answer: Process of pursuing opportunities without regard to resources currently under one's control.


A wise man once said "Smart is using whatever you have to get what you want"

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